

Get Marketplace is a proof of concept e-commerce website created by Brody McFarland. This website does not contain any real products that can be purchased with real currency.


  • Google and Github Authentication using NextAuth
  • Cart and Cart Preview Functionality using Redux
  • Responsive, Animated, and Collapsable UI using Tailwind CSS and Framer Motion
  • Search and Filtering Functionality
  • Product Discount Logic
  • Tools

  • Frontend Framework: NextJS 13
  • Language: Typescript
  • CSS: Tailwind CSS
  • State Management: Redux
  • Authentication: NextAuth
  • Animations: Framer Motion
  • Products: Fakestoreapi.com
  • Icons: Heroicons & React-icons
  • Notifications: React Hot Toast
  • Orders and History Storage: Google Firebase
  • © 2023 Created By: Brody McFarland